My work encompasses a wide range of writing genres, from peer-reviewed articles and book chapters to research summaries, explainer blogs, and narratives.
Selected Work
- “Paul Talalay: The Catalyst,” in Broccoli: Cultivation, Nutritional Properties and Effects on Health, Nova Publishing
- “Sauna use as a lifestyle practice to extend lifespan,” Journal of Experimental Gerontology
- “Cancer Prevention Hot Topics: Stick to the Science,” American Institute for Cancer Research
- “New study reveals surprising effects of mutations in proteins,” University of Notre Dame
- “10 Facts About Endometriosis,” Mental Floss
- “13 Facts About Vertigo,” Mental Floss
- “What is gluten?” Mental Floss
- “A Matter of Taste,” Cullman Chemoprotection Center, Johns Hopkins School of Medicine
- “Glucosinolates from the Brassica Vegetables and Their Health Effects,” in Encyclopedia of Food and Health
- “Vaccines Are Not to Blame,” Slate
- “Your handy guide to portion sizes,” Human Performance Resource Center
- “New method for extracting the beneficial compounds in moringa identified,” Cullman Chemoprotection Center, Johns Hopkins School of Medicine
- “Dose matters: New research demonstrates that sulforaphane from broccoli sprouts combats a cause of air pollution injury in a dose-dependent manner,” Cullman Chemoprotection Center, Johns Hopkins School of Medicine
- “Effects of Chronic Heavy Alcohol Consumption and Endurance Exercise on Cancellous and Cortical Bone Microarchitecture in Adult Male Rats,” Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research
- “Black Cohosh: Coming Full Circle,” Journal of Ethnopharmacology
- “Biomarkers of Tobacco Exposure Reflect Ethnic and Racial Differences in Lung Cancer Susceptibility,” American Institute for Cancer Research Blog
- “Plant-based Compounds Reduce the Risk of Prostate Cancer,” Cancer Research Update, American Institute for Cancer Research
- “Got the Drunchies? How Heavy Drinking Influences Eating Behaviors,” American Institute for Cancer Research Blog
- “Tea linked to epigenetic changes in women, study finds,” American Institute for Cancer Research Blog
- “A liver hormone gives new clues to explain your sweet tooth,” American Institute for Cancer Research Blog
- “Bone-derived Hormone Regulates Appetite in Mice,” American Institute for Cancer Research Blog
- “Want to Live a Longer, Healthier Life? Eat Nuts, Study Says,” American Institute for Cancer Research Blog
- “Study Gives New Insights on Red Meat, a Sugar, and Cancer,” American Institute for Cancer Research Blog